Cyberpunk Samurai Cats #2


Cyberpunk Samurai Cats #2

Meet “Kato”, the party cool samurai cat. He’s the life of the party, with a playful and outgoing personality. He’s a natural leader and always the first one to start a game or initiate a conversation. He’s got a sleek coat and piercing green eyes that sparkle with mischief. He’s always dressed to impress, with his traditional samurai garb, his black katana sword, and his stylish glasses. Kato is a skilled warrior, having trained in the art of the sword since he was a young kitten. But he’s not all seriousness and discipline, he knows how to let loose and have a good time. He’s always up for a good dance, a wild game of tag, or a drink with friends. He’s the kind of cat that everyone wants to be around, and his energy is contagious.

